Optimize Your Health

Have you struggled to reach your weight or health goals? Have you been diagnosed with a medical condition such as metabolic syndrome, pre-diabetes or diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity that is linked to lifestyle factors. Would you like to reverse or at least improve that condition and prevent further damage and worsened health outcomes?

As a registered nurse, I quickly realized that the medical system was a sick-care model based not on promoting wellness, but instead providing a quick and often temporary remedy to any conflict in the mind & body, never addressing the root cause. This is why I went on to become a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach.

How many times have gone to the doctor and been left with more questions than answers. They dictate a plan for you without considering your life or circumstances and without a clear picture of what to do. Maybe they didn’t even explain the fact that simply by adjusting some of your daily habits, you could improve or eliminate your problem.

The mainstream system is just not very supportive of the patient. The doctors and nurses aren’t afforded the time it really takes to help you learn about your medical condition and what you can do to heal yourself. It is designed to give you a prescription, tell you to lose weight or eat better and send you on your way with no true plan of action.

To achieve true and lasting results, individuals must take back their power and implement the things that the body needs at its core. I want to help you on that journey.

Imagine living well into old age in a healthy body that can function properly and without being shackled to frequent doctor’s office visits, handfuls of prescriptions and numerous medical treatments.

There are many factors that influence reaching your overall health and wellness goals and we will consider and incorporate them all.

We offer personalized one on one health coaching to help you realize the best version of yourself.

Key Factors We Will Review Among Others

  • Sleep

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise/Movement

  • Stress

  • Relationships

  • Toxic Burden

If you are ready to feel great in your body, to have more energy & less stress, to wake up feeling restored, to lose weight, gain muscle, reverse metabolic disease, and discover new ways to live your best life and optimize your health, I want to help you. Now is the time to invest in yourself.

Are you ready to level up?


Are you ready to level up? ~